Message from Andy Woodthorpe, Baschurch Railway Station.
Many readers will be aware that the Shropshire Council Planning Committee have voted unanimously to approve the development which will -
- provide a great mix of housing
- release land for the proposed station car park
- provide the opportunity of having a link to Eyton Lane
I write wearing two hats - vice-chair of Baschurch Parish Council and Lead of the Baschurch Station Campaign Group, so am doubly delighted.
A huge thank you to all members of Baschurch Station Campaign, Baschurch Parish Council (present and past), Nick Bardsley (Shropshire Councillor), Shinglers (developer) and the land owners. Most of all thank you to the large number of residents of Baschurch Parish and neighbouring Parishes who supported the plan. This case demonstrates what is possible if enough people pull together in the same direction - remember Shropshire Council officers recommended refusal, but in the end we together made a convincing case to get the approval.
The next stage for the Station Campaign Group is the feasibility study and business case - there's still a long way to go yet before we have trains stopping in Baschurch, but this first step of securing land for the car park was a crucial major hurdle.