Wednesday 7 June 2023

Oswestry Library coming events

Dear Blogger,

Message from Siobhan Shaw, Oswestry Library

 Oswestry Family & Local History Group

Every Monday 10-12 noon - Every Friday 1.30-4pm

Oswestry Family and Local History volunteers run a twice-weekly advice service at Oswestry Library. Teams of trained, knowledgeable volunteers work alongside library staff to help both newcomers and experienced researchers to get the most from the expanded range of resources available.

No booking required, just drop in. 

Digital Support Weekly Drop In Session

Every Monday afternoon 1-3pm -

Join us at the library for a new weekly 'Drop-In' session for digital troubleshooting. If you could use some support with your device or a particular digital task that's giving you trouble, drop in to see us. Library staff and volunteers will be on hand to support with your query, and we encourage people to stay for a cup of tea and share your learning with others. NB: Library staff and digital volunteers cannot support with online banking queries. For these, you must contact your bank.

Free - No need to book. Open to all ages and abilities. Just come along and bring your device. If you feel you could provide help to others as a Digital volunteer, please contact us, we're keen for all the help we can get!

If you are over 65 years of age and seeking support to learn digital skills from scratch, contact us and we can refer you onto the waiting list for our 10 week course to get you started.

Hearing Loss Support Hubs

Usually 1st Wednesday every month [5 July]

Hearing aid support Hub run by NHS trained volunteers. Usually the first Wednesday of every month. Battery changes and hearing aid cleaning.

Booking is now essential for this, please contact the Hearing Loss Support Service on 01743 342168 or email to confirm dates and make an appointment.


Books Aloud - CANCELLED

 Language Cafe - NO MEETING IN JULY

If you have an interest in foreign languages and would like to share your passion with like-minded people in an informal and relaxed environment, join our Language Café! Organised by local linguist Ewa Corser from 'Word of Mouth Languages'

Free of charge but please book. Refreshments available (donations welcomed)

Here's One We (nearly) Made Earlier: From Script to Screen (almost!)

Thursday 6 July 11-12noon

An Oswestry filmmaker whose idea for a locally produced script ended up inspiring the 50 year acting comeback of a national treasure.

A talk by Gareth Thomas from local production company, Rocking Horse Media.
Free of charge but please book. Refreshments available (donations welcomed)

Breastfeeding Network Drop-In

First & Third Friday of the month, 10-12pm

A free drop-in in the children's library for everyone who has questions about their breastfeeding journey, from pregnancy, early days, feeding older children and when you are ready to stop Come along to ask for support or advice or just for a friendly chat!

Free, no need to book.

Dungeons and Dragons - Usually 2nd Saturday every month [8 July]

We are delighted to be welcoming the Shropshire Dungeon Master back for more Saturdays at the library filled with magic and adventure! New players welcome, no experience required. Under 16s game in the morning, over 16s in the afternoon.

Booking is essential. To book for these games, or for more information, contact the Dungeon Master direct, either on his Facebook Page (@shropshireDM) or by telephoning 07454797995

Shropshire Local Drop-in

Thu 13 July/Tue 25 July 10-2pm

Your Shropshire Local team is coming to the library. Please come to see them where they will help you access Shropshire Council services, such as Blue badge applications, Concessionary Travel cards and so on.

Free, no need to book.

Board Game Café

Sat 15 July 10-1pm

A free board gaming session suitable for all ages! Come along and try out something new.

Free, no need to book.

Rhyme Time at the Library!

Every Monday 2-2.30pm

Half an hour of nursery rhymes and singing, suitable for under 5s. No need to book.

Story Time at the Library!

Every Wednesday 10.30am.

A free story session aimed at pre-school children. No need to book.

Crafty Knitters

Mon 24 July 10-12noon

Come along and join us in Oswestry Library on the 4th Monday of each month. Our aim is to get together, meet people and have a chat while supporting local charities with knitting. Bring your own knitting or we have a selection of patterns available. All ages and beginners welcome. We also hold a knitting group in the Senior Citizen Hall in Lorne St. Oswestry on the second Monday of every month. For further details please contact Angie on 01691 650147

HSBC Anti-Fraud Advice drop-in

Wed 26 July 11-12noon

Would you like to learn more about how to protect your finances from fraud? HSBC advisors will be delivering a talk about the most common pitfalls.

• Banking fraud

• Common Scams

• Anti-fraud measures- how to stay safe

Free, no need to book.

Lego at the Library

Every Thursday 3.15-4.15pm Every Saturday 11am-2pm

Self-guided Lego play! Free of charge Suitable for all ages (children require parental supervision)

No booking required, just drop in!

Carer's Support Drop in

Thu 27 July 10.30-12.30, and 1.30-3.30 for those supporting individuals who struggle with mental health.

Did you know that there is an open Carer's Support Drop in at the library, usually on the fourth Thursday of every month? If you are a carer for someone you can seek support and advice from Shropshire Council's Carer Support team here. You do not need to book, just come along.

Contact Shropshire Carers support line on 01743 341995 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm or email:

 Best regards,

Siobhan Shaw CMgr MCMI

say: shi-vawn shaw (she/her)

Branch Manager Oswestry Library, Arthur St. SY11 1JN

Shropshire Libraries, Culture Leisure & Tourism Services, Place Directorate, Shropshire Council.

01743 250351 (01743 255394 direct)·


For events and activities in libraries across Shropshire visit Shropshire Libraries