Thursday, 25 October 2012

Whittington Castle half term spooky goings on

           ALL SORTS OF SPOOKY GOINGS ON                                AT WHITTINGTON CASTLE!

26/27th October & 1st November - Ghost Tours of the Castle.  6.30pm.  Tickets £3.50 adults and £2.50 children.  Bring a torch and wrap up warmly.

27th October - 8-Midnight.  Charity Paranormal Night.  Join us for a ghostly supper before we embark on a Paranormal Investigation of the Castle.  With the help of a guest medium we will conduct ghost vigils as well as workshops.  All money is in aid of the Castle.  Over 18's only.  Ticket only.  Tickets £30 each to include supper.  Ring for more information and to reserve a ticket.  Tickets will be limited.

28th October - Halloween at the castle 12 noon until 4pm.  £1 entrance.  

31st October - Halloween Holiday Club from 12 noon  until 1.30pm.  Join us for some spooky fun.  Cost £3.50 to include treats!

31st October - Torchlight Procession and Halloween Event  £1 entrance.  Visit the Castle Witch to collect your goody bag!!

1st-2nd November - Ghost Tours of the Castle.  Start 6.30pm.

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626