Monday, 7 October 2013

Senior Safety Information event

Message from Susie Hancock.

Shropshire RCC are hosting a “Senior Safety” information event in Hope Church (aka Carreg Llywd), Oswestry on Wednesday (9th October).  It starts at 10.00 am, it is free of charge and includes a free lunch.  The Police, Fire and Falls Prevention services give talks on how to stay safe at home and there is also a market place of charities and agencies who can offer information, such as Carers Support service, HealthWatch, Marches Energy Agency/Affordable Warmth, NPower (who can explain all the codes etc if you take along your electricity bill), Alzheimers Society, Diabetes UK...).  I attach a booking leaflet (print it 2-pages per sheet) but places can be booked by phoning 01743 342162.  (Places must be booked in advance for catering purposes.)

All the information you need in the attachment.
--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626