Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Power cut Compensation

Message from Colin Case.

Parts of our Village endured a Power Cut of around 73 hours back in February following the Storm.
This was mostly Brownhill and areas around Platt Bridge - areas fed from a supply coming to us across the fields from the East. Most of the village is fed via a feed from the West - along Olden Lane. Although the feed from the West was interrupted when the Big Tee blew over, this was for a much shorter time.
This note refers to the long (3 day) Power Cut affecting the Brownhill end of the village.

Scottish Power Energy Networks (who are responsible for the wires and infrastructure - whoever you pay your bill to) have written to all households affected by this longer Power Cut advising them that they are paying Compensation of £81 - to be paid by cheque in the name of the Bill-payer within a week or two.
However, they will also honour the promise made by their representative who I argued with on Radio Shropshire to make a contribution of £10 per person in the household for each of the two days that many of us had to eat out - but ONLY if you have bills to demonstrate that you did, in fact, eat out. The days in question are Friday 14th Feb and Saturday 15th Feb. This extra compensation is not mentioned in the letter - you have to call and tell them that you want to make an extra claim, and they will give you a Claim Reference (of the form "CCT718249" or similar) You also have to write a letter with this reference, enclosing appropriate bills. They will not pay for alcoholic drinks (naturally) and the food bill must total more than £10 per head.

The phone number for their "Storm Bureau" is 0330 1010 159 and their address for claims is SP Energy Network, Storm Bureau, 3 Prenton Way, Prenton, Wirral, CH3 3ET.

If you were affected and haven't had your letter, call them urgently - the "Storm Bureau" is due to close this week. And claim for a contribution towards meals on the same number if appropriate - and if you still have bills.

And please make sure that neighbours are aware as well - they may not be on Yoland's List (shame on them!)

Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  www.eleventowns.co.uk  www.eleventowns.com  www.ShACC-uk.org  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626