A brief summary of the outcomes of the Parish Council's July meeting with regard to planning.
The following planning applications were considered by the Parish Council; who have commented on each to Shropshire Council:
Reference: 14/02872/COU Memorial Hall, Church Street, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposal: Change of use to be able to serve tea/coffee, cakes, sandwiches etc. to eat in or takeaway (Class A3)
Proposal: Change of use to be able to serve tea/coffee, cakes, sandwiches etc. to eat in or takeaway (Class A3)
The Council were unable to discuss or make a decision as the Council was inquorate.
Reference: 14/02740/FUL Platt Mill Farm, Platt Bridge, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposal: Erection of building to house 7 No. double boarding kennels.
Council agreed to strongly oppose the application on the following grounds, and were in complete agreement with the objections submitted by their neighbouring parish, Baschurch PC.
It was noted that the objections raised in the original planning application 13/04881/FULL although for 20 boarding kennels remained relevant to the current application, these primarily related to:
· Noise - The Council believed that the intended site's close proximity to residential housing creates an unacceptable noise issue for local residents, particularly in relation to the natural landscape. RSPCA and PDSA guidance state that such kennels should be situated at least 400 metres from the nearest residential properties. The nearest independent property of this description is between 50-60 meters away from the proposed site. The site is therefore considered to be totally inappropriate for the use as kennels as described in the application.
· Reference to past usage of the site as kennels is no longer relevant as residential housing has since been constructed in its immediate vicinity and would be adversely affected by the development.
· Other environmental and health issues associated with smell and waste would inevitably arise from the kennels and were considered detrimental to local residents.
· Current traffic movements which include a high volume of heavy vehicle movements were considered to be abrasive to the animals’ welfare, and liable to provoke stress and barking.
· Given the nature of the business enterprise vehicle movements were considered likely to increase, and as a result adversely affect both the communities of Baschurch and Ruyton XI Towns.
Given that local residents feel very strongly about the application together with both parish councils; councillors urged that should the Planning Officer be minded to recommend that the application it be referred to the North Planning Committee and the PC be given the opportunity to address the Committee about its concerns.
Reference: 14/02607/FUL Water Pump House, 3 Elbridge, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposal: Erection of a 2 storey rear extension; including installation of a Juliet balcony. Council agreed to make no comment.
Proposal: Erection of a 2 storey rear extension; including installation of a Juliet balcony. Council agreed to make no comment.
Reference: 1402856/FUL and 14/02857/LBC Coton House, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposal: Two storey oak frame sun room and bedroom extension. Single storey pool house linked to the house by a glazed oak frame link. Council agreed to make no comment.
Reference 14/03025/OUT
Address Proposed dwelling rear of The Talbot Inn, Church Street, Ruyton XITowns.
Proposed: Outline planning application for the erection of one 4 bedroom dwelling with garage to include access.
Having considered the plans the Council agreed that the proposed 4 bedroom dwelling did not meet the needs identified by the Parish in its Parish Plan and subsequent SAMDev submission to SC as the community had identified a need for smaller affordable homes. The proposed dwelling was also noted as not having links to the Talbot Inn; a local business.
When considering National Planning Policy Framework the substandard access to the proposed property was considered to be unsustainable and the Council placed reliance upon previous comments made by SC Highways (Ref 12/04144/FUL) which related to a very recent past application:
“The proposal is served by means of an exiting access which is considered to be substandard in terms of its restricted visibility and junction layout with the adjoining Class II county road. It is considered therefore that the additional vehicular movements into and out of the site access generated by the residential development, would be likely to result in conditions detrimental to highway safety.” (Proposed RS Seconded AJ.) The application was therefore opposed by the Parish Council.
Reference : 14/03117/OUT Land adjacent to White Cottage, Cliffe, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposed: Outline planning application for a detached bungalow.
Having considered the plans the Council agreed that the application did not meet the needs identified by the Community in its Parish Plan and the PC’s subsequent SAMDev submission as the development was outside the SAMDev development boundary in a Countryside area as designated by CS5. Per NPPF guidance the development was considered not to:
· Enhance the existing countryside area;
· Be sustainable as the site is remote, with no public transport facilities nearby and extremely poor access. Existing access is via a 0.5 mile of bridle way.
Errors in the Design Statement submission were also noted which described Ruyton XI Towns as a cluster; this is incorrect it is a hub. The application was therefore opposed by the Parish Council.
Reference: 14/03158/REM Purton Villa, Church St Ruyton XI Towns
Proposed: Reserved matters pursuant to outline planning application ref 10/03995/OUT for the erection of two dwellings to include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale
The Parish Council strongly objected as the reserved matter does not bear any resemblance to the original out line planning permission. The Council finds the scale and scope significantly different as the proposed 4 and 3 bedroom dwellings no longer are deemed to be affordable 2 bedroom cottages and in keeping with local properties referred to in the original application or affordable to first time buyers.
The Parish Council questioned the validation process as a REM application as the proposals are so radically different compared to the original application and would suggest that a new planning application would have been more appropriate.
At the time of the PC meeting it was noted that no site notice is on public display, and no construction method statement (per Condition 8 of the original application) has been submitted.
Listed below are recent Shropshire Council planning decisions:
Reference: 14/01937/FUL Court Yard Cottage, Wigmarsh, West Felton, Oswestry.
Proposal: Erection of a 2 storey extension; including insertion of dormers to north elevation. Erection of a single storey garden/log store SC Decision: Grant Permission.
Proposal: Erection of a 2 storey extension; including insertion of dormers to north elevation. Erection of a single storey garden/log store SC Decision: Grant Permission.
Reference: 14/02206/FUL 3 Princes Terrace, Ruyton XI Towns
Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension SC Decision: Grant Permission.
Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension SC Decision: Grant Permission.
Sue Hackett
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Clerk & RFO
Tel 01743 719012
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Clerk & RFO
Tel 01743 719012
-- Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club www.eleventowns.co.uk www.eleventowns.com www.ShACC-uk.org Tel: 01939 261 121 Fax: 01939 260626 Yo's blog: http://yo-emails.blogspot.co.uk