Message from Sue Hackett, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.
See attached agenda.
The Parish Council are to meet at 7.30 pm Tuesday 28th August 2018 at The Victoria Room, Ruyton XI Towns.
Shropshire Councillor Steve Davenport; (who the portfolio holder for Highways) will be joining us to discuss aspects of local road safety which the Parish Council and community are particularly concerned about; why not join us ...
For instance Shropshire Council are currently consulting with the public with regard to their risk based policy approach to pot holes.
The meeting agenda is attached and provides more detail of topics which are to be discussed.
Wishing all a Happy Bank Holiday,
RegardsSue Hackett
Clerk for Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
-- Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR Tel: 01939 261 121 uk ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club - MAILING LIST for Ruyton XI Towns area Yo`s blog: