Thursday, 2 April 2020

News flash from Prescott Surgery Coronavirus Assessment Centre

Dear Blogger

Message from Prescott Surgery forwarded by Jackie Jones, Chair of Patients Group.

News Flash


 2ND APRIL 2020 Chair, Jackie Jones

Information Source – Prescott Surgery

Coronavirus Assessment Centre

Car Park, Shrewsbury Town Football Club

You may have seen in the press overnight that a Coronavirus Assessment Centre is being set up in the Car Park at STFC.

The purpose of the Coronavirus Assessment Centre is twofold.

GPs will assess patients who have symptoms of coronavirus and are feeling very unwell and require medical attention.

GPs and Nurses will also consult with patients who have symptoms of the coronavirus, but who need to be seen about another health matter, keeping them away from GP surgeries, reducing the risk of spreading the virus.

Patients are either referred to the service by GP practices following an initial telephone consultation with their GP or referred by 111. Patients cannot self-refer.

Patients will not be tested for coronavirus.

Nick Storey, Practice Manager, Prescott Surgery
