Monday, 10 January 2022

Reduced agenda for Parish Council Meeting 11 Jan 2022

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk

Reduced agenda for next Parish Council meeting

    Given mounting Covid-19 cases and transmission risk within the community, it has been agreed that the next Council meeting will go ahead on 11th January (St John's School, 6.30pm), but only the most important/urgent agenda items will be considered. This is to minimise the time spent together in-person indoors, whilst still meeting our legal obligations, i.e. the budget and precept must legally be agreed at an in-person meeting. Unfortunately, any decisions made in remote meetings would not be lawful, so this is not an option for us at this time.

    Aside from legally required procedural items (i.e. minutes, apologies, disclosure of interests, etc.,) we plan to discuss the following items on 11th Jan 2022:

    Item 110/21a: Casual vacancy (agree deadline for applications)

    Item 111/21: Planning applications (Ruyton Hall, and Riversdale appeal)

    Item 113/21: Budget and precept for 2022-23

    Item 114/21: Payments to approve

    Item 115/21 Finance reports

    All other items on the January agenda will either be dealt with under delegated powers (see our Scheme of Delegation for info), or simply deferred until a later date.

    If you feel you need to attend this meeting in person, please contact the clerk asap so we can make you aware of our Covid-19 measures and ensure we can accommodate everyone safely. Otherwise, we would encourage members of the public to raise matters in writing with the Council.

    We appreciate this is not ideal, but we hope parishioners will understand the steps we are taking to navigate these challenging times.


    Kind regards,

Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Please note new address and phone number below:
11 High Fawr Close, Oswestry, SY11 1TE
01691 674742