Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Junior Drama Workshops at LADS

  1. Message from Pam Johnson at LADS

Another amazing drama opportunity for young people!

Stage Five Theatre is running another junior workshop this summer.

August 7th – 11th 2023

A fabulous week of drama with Michael Corbidge, a Royal Shakespeare Company Associate who writes, teaches and directs around the world.

We have 20 places for young people ages 12 – 14 to take part in a

 5 day drama workshop in central Oswestry.  

Rehearsing in the foyer of the new Hope Church building on English Walls.
 and performing in Hermon Arts Centre, Chapel St.
(Both wheelchair accessible)

Over five days we will create some magic using creative writing, drama and improvisation to create a unique piece of theatre for a performance in 
Hermon Arts Centre.  Exploring the power of words and ideas while having great fun at the same time. 

Michael has many years of experience working with the Royal Shakespeare Company education department as well as writing plays and poetry, teaching and directing. This is a fantastic opportunity for young people interested in words, drama and expression.

£50 for five days including free tickets for friends and family to the performance, these workshops are subsidised by the 
Heritage Lottery Fund, Love Oswestry and Stage Five Theatre.

To apply please email Pam Johnson at or call Pam on 07814489713 or complete our online form at – see the QR code below
Workshop web page qrcode.jpeg

Stage Five logo 200pixel high.jpeg