Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Meres & Mosses - get involved & dirty

Message from Luke Neal, Meres & Mosses.

We will be working at the Marlot on Wednesday 4th Dec, 10am- 3pm: Cutting grass from the meadow and thinning scrub.

Meet at Marl Allotment, Roundthorn Bridge on Shropshire union canal, turning off Platt lane, Welsh end, Whixall. The correct grid reference for The Marlot is SJ 501358

 Even if the weather is dry on the day, it might be advisable for people to wear water-proof clothing, as the cuttings will be wet to handle.

Please wear sturdy boots or shoes and clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. Bring you own Packed lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.

 Hope to see you there!

 Future work parties: (some additions included)

Sunday 8th December, Colemere, 10am – 3 pm: Thinning trees at mere edge for the benefit of Least Water Lily.

Meet in Colemere Country Park  car park, Near Ellesmere.  

 Wednesday January 8th,Marl Allotments, 10am- 3pm: Cutting grass from the meadow and thinning scrub.

Meet at Marl Allotment, Roundthorn Bridge on Shropshire union canal, turning off Platt lane, Welsh end, Whixall. (grid ref: SJ 501358)

 Wednesday 15th January, Prees Heath Common, 10.30am – 3pm: Clearing dead/degenerate Gorse and Bramble.

Meet on the access track opposite Steel Heath turning off the A49. For info contact Stephen Lewis, Warden, 07900 886809 or slewis@butterfly-conservation.org

 Sunday 19th January, Colemere, 10am – 3 pm: Thinning trees at mere edge for the benefit of Least Water Lily.

Meet in Colemere Country Park  car park, Near Ellesmere.  

Wednesday 12th February, Prees Heath Common, 10.30am – 3pm: Clearing dead/degenerate Gorse and Bramble.

Meet on the access track opposite Steel Heath turning off the A49. For info contact Stephen Lewis, Warden, 07900 886809 or slewis@butterfly-conservation.org

 Sunday 16th Febuary, Colemere, 10am – 3pm: Putting up birdboxes to mark the start of national nest box week (possibility of a birdbox making session for families – watch this space!)

Meet in Colemere Country Park car park, Near Ellesmere.

 Thursday 20th March, Ellesmere Moors, 10am – 3pm: cutting and removing reeds to allow light to the floor to encourage marsh violet for the benefit of the Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary.

Meet in the Moors carpark, Ellesmere.

 Wednesday 16th April, Prees Heath Common, 10.30am – 3pm: Birch seedling removal.

Meet on the access track opposite Steel Heath turning off the A49. For info contact Stephen Lewis, Warden, 07900 886809 or slewis@butterfly-conservation.org


Luke Neal, Community Officer, Meres and Mosses Landscape Partnership Scheme

c/o Shropshire Wildlife Trust, 193 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6AH

Tel 01743 284275, luken@shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk



‘This programme has been supported by HLF, Defra, Northern Marches LEADER, The Jean Jackson Charitable Trust, DCLG, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, and Natural England.’



--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  www.eleventowns.co.uk  www.eleventowns.com  www.ShACC-uk.org  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626