Saturday, 27 April 2019

Ruyton traffic controle

Dear Blogger

Message from Colin Case.

W A N T E D ! Volunteers.

For various duties to support our Road Safety activities.

Our Safer Roads Group could do with a few more members - this group guides our overall activities in association with our Parish Council.

Our new Speed Indication Devices (SIDs) need mounting and maintaining. Only one is mounted so far - outside School - "looking" up to the Top House. Another three need mounting. And we can move them about.

The SIDs will also need their battery changing - about every two weeks. Pretty straightforward, but the batteries are quite heavy.

And finally our Community SpeedWatch Team could do with a few more members.

Remember that "many hands make light work". And we are ALL concerned about speed and road safety in our Village.

So come and help us DO something about it - everyone welcome in some capacity or other.

eMail me if you are willing to help – – but please put "Volunteer" as the subject so I don't think it's spam! Thanks



Colin Case    B.E.M.

Tel:    +44 1939 260 628

Mob:  +44 7860 904 006

VOIP: +44 1939 328 243 .