Saturday, 27 April 2019

Whittington Music Ffestival some seats left

Dear Blogger

Message from Whittington Music Festival.

It's less than a month till our eagerly anticipated festival of music by Dvorak and the Bohemians!

If you haven't ordered your tickets, now is the time to do so.
There are still a few numbered seats available for all six concerts in the reserved front section of the church, if you prefer to know where you'll be sitting.
But all seats, reserved or not, benefit from unimpeded sightlines and the excellent acoustic.
You can obtain your tickets straight to your inbox or mobile via the website, or in person from Rowanthorn in Oswestry (Old Chapel Court, off the Central Car Park) and Whittington Post Office.
You can also order by post from the festival office at 3 Top Street, Whittington, Oswestry SY11 4DR, enclosing your cheque, clear instructions and a stamped addressed envelope.

artists are greatly looking forward to performing a  richly varied programme and are hoping for a full house every night, so please come and make this Whittington's best festival yet!
If you have any queries about tickets or how to get here, please just reply to for more information.
As a reminder of the outstanding quality we can expect from our world-class musicians, we have just posted a video on the website of last May's stunning performance of Vaughan Williams' Quintet in D. 
I look forward to seeing you at the concerts. 
Best wishes,
Rob Greaves, festival chairman