Monday, 8 April 2019

Spring Lunch at Weston Village Hall

Dear Blogger

Message from Anita Weeks, Weston Lullingfields.

Holy Trinity Church, Weston and All Saints' Church Baschurch



SPRING        food-apple[1]



will be held in The Village Hall at Weston


Sunday 5th May 2019

at 12.30 for 1.00 pm.



Tickets: (to include lunch, dessert & tea / coffee),

Adults £10, concessions for children



Tea, Coffee and soft drinks available, but

please bring your own alcoholic drinks,

if required.  Glasses will be provided              Raffle.



Tickets available from:

Lynne Siviter (262654), Anita Weeks (261293), Anne Roberts (260633) or Dawn Lake (290777)