Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Planning application, Baschurch

Message from Ed Austin, Baschurch.

The SAMDev document is now available.  Disappointingly - but unsurprisingly - BAS017 (the field behind us, they usually refer to it as 'land off Shrewsbury Road') is included.  They say they listened to views of residents - but plainly they didn't as every resident adjoining the field objected.  And then they say that it will improve the provision of primary health care in Baschurch (as the landowner has offered land for a new surgery and car park as a sweetener) - but neither the doctors or the NHS has any money to fund a new surgery, so the claim is bogus.



--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  www.eleventowns.co.uk  www.eleventowns.com  www.ShACC-uk.org  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626