Saturday, 19 July 2014

Arts Commission Opportunity

Message fro Charlotte Jackson, at Qube.

Arts Commission Opportunity

Qube is offering an exciting commission opportunity to artists of any discipline to create a new work to be completed by and presented/ exhibited in spring 2015.


The aim is to highlight and celebrate the work of Sir Robert Jones and Dame Agnes Hunt, early 20th century pioneers in orthopaedics and healthcare. Their work in the development, treatment and rehabilitation of injured soldiers during in the First World War paved the way for many modern orthopaedic practices.


Robert Jones’ use of an adaptive version of the ‘The Thomas Splint’ on ballistic injuries saved hundreds of thousands of lives, reducing deaths by up to 80 per cent by the end of WW1. His friend and professional co-worker, Agnes Hunt developed a holistic approach to nursing practice - rehabilitating the patient as a ‘whole’. Together they opened a new understanding in public perception towards those disabled by war.


The art work should interpret the impact of WW1 on changing attitudes to disability, and on practices in orthopaedic medicine, informed by research made available from the archives at the renowned Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen, North Shropshire.


It is intended that through the arts, a contemporary audience may come to understand and engage in a legacy that has helped shaped modern healthcare, practice and procedure.


There will be an inclusive fee of £8,000 for the chosen artist/s to create the work. It may be created in any medium, for example from photography, textile, sculpture, film and digital media, or by other methods.


Commissions should be accessible to a broad audience. Selected artists will be expected to engage with the public in discussions, and exhibition related events.


Artists’ fee: £8,000 (inclusive to include all costs, including production)

Deadline for submissions: 31st August 2014

Applications process:

Please find attached the full brief or visit

Charlotte Jackson   

Arts Co-ordinator


Qube, Oswald Road

Oswestry, SY11 1RB

Tel: 01691 656882

--   Roger Brown  Brownhill House, Ruyton XI Towns  Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  Phone:+(0)1939 261121 Fax: +(0)1939 260626