Sunday, 10 June 2018

Fwd: Summer Parish Council Newsletter 2018

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Subject: Summer Parish Council Newsletter 2018
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2018 16:32:51 +0000
From: Sue Hackett (Parish Clerk) <>

Summer Parish Council Newsletter 2018
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council e-newsletter
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Mr Trevor Allison....................Tel  260899          

Mr Andrew Johnston…………Tel  260991          

Mr David Spicer......................Tel  260163
Mrs Avi Sanders Royle ...........Tel 261262          

Mr John Houghton.................  Tel 261762        

Mrs Andrea Hall................. 07713 520245

Mr Bob Edwards......................Tel  260451 

Mr Simon Gittins......................Tel  260273

Mr Scott Denyer.......................Tel  260586

Mr Ryan Harrison.................07736577955 

All above land line telephone numbers are prefixed with STD code 01939
Following the Annual Parish Council meeting in May, Andrew Johnston was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council, with Simon Gittins as Vice Chairman. 
We now have 10 councillors and are looking for one more to complete the team, so if you would like to get involved and help make decisions about local issues please contact Sue Hackett, the Clerk to the Council, who can provide more information or alternatively contact one of your local councillors above.
So what has the Council been doing, and is planning to do over the next few months....?
  • The Council have been awarded the Council's Foundation Award for recognition of its work and quality status. The Chairman and Katrina Oaklands are pictured above during  its presentation.
  • A new cradle swing has been installed at Birch Grove Play area; funded by the Parish Council and grants supplied by STAR Housing and The Hilton Jones Trust; which the Council is most appreciative of; not to mention the young people who use it!
  • The Council has negotiated the purchase of the Cliffe; which was put on the open market. As a valued community asset; the Council is looking forward to ensuring it is properly maintained as public open space and will be working towards this goal over the next year in partnership with Shropshire Council's Countryside Team.
  • Hanging baskets have recently been installed at various locations throughout the village; to brighten up the local street scene
  • Improvements to Doctors Meadow play area and car park are in progress.
  • A new notice board has been purchased and is to be erected at Doctors Meadow.
  • A great deal of Council time has been spent researching options for upgrading the street lights the Council is responsible for.  LED lights; are more energy efficient and relatively maintenance free whilst concrete posts are now deemed a hazard. Two sample LED lights are being installed before a final decision is made and planned upgrade is not expected to be completed until the end of the year. The project is expected to cost within the region of £18,000, dependent on lights selected etc.
Update report by the Clerk.

Existing problems found in Ruyton XI Towns and encountered by those trying to findyou in an emergency!
  • No house name- plate whatsoever.
  • Name-plate does exist but is overgrown or indistinct eg covered in moss or shrubs.
  • Name plate is at the end of a drive and not visible from the roadside.
  • Name-plate is on a gate that is left open i.e. 90 degrees to the road and again not visible from the roadside.
Residents need to imagine themselves having to call 999 in the middle of the night.  They need to ask themselves whether a first responder or an ambulance could find their house quickly and in the dark.  Emergency services can only help when they find the house with the patient needing medical assistance.
If you dial 999 in the early hours of the morning, will the emergency services be able to find your house??
For instance there are 35 houses on Brownhill with the same postcode!  


A Volunteer litter pick is being organised by Cllr Andrea Hall; so please watch out for more news about it and do get involved. Our aim is to be litter free & enjoy our beautiful countryside and parks...
The Parish Council has recently invested in some litter picking equipment; so please get in touch with Andrea should you want to borrow it.

The Clerk's Corner
The year end accounts and accompanying financial documents and Electors Rights Notice can be viewed on the Council's website; a click away:

The accounts for the year are summarised below as required by our External Auditors:
Section 2 Accounting Statement 2017/18  
      2017 2018
      £ £
Opening Balance             45,751            40,652
Precept Receipt             18,000            24,580
Other Receipts               4,253              5,943
Staff Costs               8,580              9,193
All Other Payments             18,772            13,204
Total Value of Cash at Bank             40,652            48,778
Total Fixed Assets             66,970            68,787
As internally audited and presented to Parish Council 1/5/2018
Please refer to the Electors' Rights Notice on the website.        

PC 3194 Mark MOTH
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Oswestry Rural South
Tel: 101 - Ext: 5221
Parking on pavements
We have received complaints of vehicles parking and causing obstruction to other road users and pedestrians within the village.  Parking on the pavements is not necessarily an offence in itself unless the local council have been granted a Bye Law on the matter, stating that it  is  an offence to park on the pavement in that area causing a full or partial obstruction. If a Bye Law does exist then the council  are  also  obliged to place signs in that area to advise motorists.
There is also an offence of 'driving on a footpath' but for that offence to be enforced the offender/driver has to be 'found committing' the offence by police.
The offence of  ' Unnecessary Obstruction '  is what police usually use for parking on the pavement. However, this too comes with certain exceptions - ie: if a  mobility scooter or  wheel chair can still safely pass by on the pavement without having to go onto the road,  then the offence is not complete and the vehicle can remain on the pavement. So, if you have no option but to park 'partially' on the pavement please ensure that you leave enough room for a wheel chair to pass by with ease.  If you do leave plenty of room on the foot path then there is far less chance that your vehicle will get damaged by a mobility scooter passing by.
If you feel the street or area in question would benefit from 'yellow lines' to restirct the parking then the matter will have to be raised at the monthly Parish Council meetings, and the Parish Council can then subsequently approach Shropshire Highways.
Needless to say, we will continue to patrol the village and monitor the issue, but please be warned……if your vehicle is found causing an Unnecessary Obstruction you will be dealt with accordingly.
Our Local Heroes
 Our local speed watch volunteers; er not those above will continue to carry out their checks during the summer months. They are fully trained and armed so please don't cause them unnecessary work and SLOW DOWN!
Should you wish to join the team please contact the Clerk in the first instance.

In the meantime the local Police Team have carried out a number of speeding checks in the 20 MPH zone and several penalty tickets have been issued.

Tuesday 3 July 2018
Tuesday 28th August 2018
Tuesday 2nd October 2018

All council meetings usually commence at 7.30p.m. and are held at the Victoria Room at Ruyton. A public session is always held at the beginning of the official meeting, which is intended to encourage residents to bring up any local issues. 

Clerk's Contact Details:
Sue Hackett can be contacted by email:
Tel 01743 719012

Your Clerk works part time and will make every effort to respond but there may be a delay. The official business address of the Council is Gonsal House, Condover, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY5 7EX. If you are unable to contact me please contact the Chairman Andrew Johnston.

Just one more thing to add; enjoy the fabulous weather and have a Fantastic Summer.
Best Wishes Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Team.
"Working in partnership to make our Parish a better place to live"
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council find the e-newsletter campaign useful and cost effective. It contains the latest local news and information relating to our Parish. Every effort is made to ensure it is accurate however please don't shoot the messenger.

The Parish Council is very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown; Margaret Lycett and David Shearan do in keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to each of them for their efforts.

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