Friday 26 July 2024

Road closure - just observations, but nothing OFFICIAL

Dear Blogger

I was intending to walk up and talk to the workers on The Hole but people are telling me there is no-one working there today, and rumour has it the road won`t be tarmaced until Wednesday.

I am just passing on what I have been told, has anyone got any OFFICIAL information???


Village Hall Show 14th September

Dear Blogger

I have been asked to send details of Ruyton VillageHall Show again - perhaps people have found their runner beans and marrows are growing big enough to enter!

See attached poster and schedule.

Alan Smith is leaving us

Dear Blogger,

A lovely message from Alan Smith who, with his late wife, Anne, has been such a blessing to the community in Ruyton XI Towns for so long.  We thank you Alan and send all best wishes for your new life in `The City`.


It was forty years ago that Anne and came to live at Church Cottage, Ruyton XI Towns. We were both in our forties so were able to take on the work that the place demanded – as well as holding down full time employment. As we didn't frequent The Dog, some thought us, 'standoffish', no so, we simply didn't have the time – or spare money.

Through church attendance we came to know quite a number of people and later, were able to involve ourselves in village life. Both of us trod the boards with RATS, straight plays and pantomime, 'Oh yes we did'.

For a number of years I was a Church Warden and Anne, after her retirement, a Licenced Reader.

We loved living in Ruyton, not only for its location but because of its friendly people. 

The years continued to move on and in April 2021 my dearest Anne died of  cancer. Shortly after I was diagnosed with sciatica and emphysema.  This has not only made getting about painful and  tiring but led me to realise that, at my age, living in Church Cottage, with its large garden and the maintenance needed, was no longer viable.

With the property sold, subject to contract, I shall be moving out on the 1st August. Initially to a rented flat, but then to a retirement apartment that I am in the process of purchasing, in Stiperstones Court, Abbey Foregate. It will be nearer to my daughter, it has the facilities needed and means that I won't need to drive all the time.

I will really miss living in Ruyton XI Towns and thank you all for your friendship and kindness over the years.

With best wishes to you all,


Thursday 25 July 2024

Foolscap envelopes for free

Dear Blogger

Does anyone want 24 white & 8 brown foolscap envelopes which appear to have bought by mistake to send out copies of Roger & Yoland`s autobiography.

Please take them away! 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Video of the history of Oswestry

Dear Blogger

Message from Heather Hidden, Oswestry & Borderlands Historical Archeology Society

The outstanding brief video history of Oswestry, researched and written by John Pryce-Jones and narrated by Samantha Jones for the Oswestry Heritage Action Zone project, has already been viewed by over 2000 people.  It lasts for about 12 minutes and can be accessed on the following link.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

More and more road closures!

Dear Blogger

Many many thanks to Maggie Lokier who has given us more depressing roads closed news!

Back road via Stanwardine/PGL to Wykey is showing delays of 15mins [1 1/2hrs more like it]. They are putting in poles for fibre broadband. That is 23-25th July.

Stop/Go boards 29th to 2nd August other side of Baschurch railway crossing  utility maintenance no time shown

Roundabout at Prescott to Walford Heath is closed until tomorrow 9.30-4pm relining following resurfacing.

Then traffic lights section of road from A528 from Marton Junction, Myddle to B4297 Junction at Burlton just installed today to 30th August 7am to 7pm

Finally I note road between Grafton & Yeaton is to be closed 1st August 8am to 6pm.

Someone commented that it wouldn't be summer if Baschurch wasn't isolated.

It appears they are determined to wind people up. Speeds of some people are stupid.

`Thanks` Maggie!

I hope RATS are working on a whole set of skits of these road closure sagas - they are a whole pantomime.

Brownhill road Ruyton is CLOSED

Dear Blogger

Yes, it has been closed since around 10.30 and I should have let you know before - but I am afraid I am heartily fed up with our road closures.

I have been watching the number of cars which have cheerfully driven from Baschurch and then driven back, after presumably, a 10point turn on a narrow part of the road.

Why do they think the rules don`t apply to them?

Happy motoring