-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: | Fwd: Making a Difference to Where WE Live... |
Date: | Sat, 9 Sep 2017 08:44:29 +0100 (BST) |
From: | sue hackett <ruytonxitownspc@btinternet.com> |
Reply-To: | ruytonxitownspc@btinternet.com |
To: | yoland@eleventowns.com |
CC: | Margaret Lycett <margaretlycett1@gmail.com>, Ryan Harrison <rharrison804@gmail.com>, andrew johnston <andrew@quillerbooks.com> |
Dear Yoland,
Sue Hackett
Ruyton XI Towns Clerk & RFO
Tel 01743 719012
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----Original message----
From : ruytonxitownspc@btinternet.com
Date : 09/09/2017 - 08:24 (GMTDT)
To : ruytonxitownspc@btinternet.com
Subject : Making a Difference to Where WE Live...
Making a Difference to Where WE Live...
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council e-newsletter
View this email in your browser
The Parish Plan carried out in 2006 is now rather dated and your new Parish Council wishes to ensure that the Community's Main Aims are still relevant.
A short questionnaire has been compiled whch provides the opportunity for residents of Ruyton XI Towns and surrounding hamlets to contribute to the future development of their parish.
It is your chance to make suggestions and voice any concerns you may have over local issues, services and facilities.
The Parish Council will use your responses to update its Main Aims which play a key role in influencing the decisions it takes
Questionnaires can be completed on line by visiting our website for the link; go to
or by directly pressing this link
http:// https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoG0eFGUY-y2WLZPxJYcmedSdwY2zKDhvx7tZHVTMqR5w8Eg/viewform
If you prefer paper, drop in at Café Eleven and pick up a paper copy and return your completed questionnaire to the box provided at Café Eleven.
All questionnaires are to be completed and returned by 30th September 2017.
The results will help to shape our future community in the directions you want. Many thanks for taking the time to do this
Andrew Johnston
Chairman of Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Older People's Day is on Sunday the 1st October 2017. This is part of the annual United Nations 'International Day of Older Persons.' The theme of this year's day is "Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society." This is the link for more information. https://www.un.org/development/desa/ageing/international-day-of-older-persons-homepage/unidop2017.html
We would like to promote this countywide during the first week of October, and focus on the contribution older people make in society and within our communities.
We are looking for short case studies from across the county, which showcase our older people participating in leisure activities, volunteering, learning with others or socialising through being part of a group. Please could you help with this, and forward any case studies you or local groups may have on to Val Cross, Health and Well Being Officer on val.cross@shropshire.gov.uk by the 22nd of September.
PC 3194 Mark MOTH
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Oswestry Rural South
Tel: 101 - Ext: 5221
This continues to be a problem in the village. Parking on the pavements is not necessarily an offence unless it obstructs passage for pedestrians and wheelchair users.
With our roads being so busy and narrow pavements are increasingly important.
The Police will continue to patrol the village and monitor the issue, but please be warned……if your vehicle is found causing an "Unnecessary Obstruction" you will be dealt with accordingly.
Similarly the Parish Council has agreed to patrol and use a flier to highlight offenders who are parking selfishly and not thinking of others....please try to avoid the bright yellow ticket!
A Joint Message from the Parish Council & Local Safer Neighbourhood Team
Open Mondays 6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. Term TimeThe Youth Club operates from Great Ness Village Hall and is run by a qualified Youth Worker and volunteers. Young people from Ruyton and surrounding areas are welcome to attend.
For more information contact Great Ness & LittleNess Parish Clerk Anne by email: parishclerkgnln@gmail.com
As the hanging baskets fade; and the nights draw in street lights will not only (hopefully) light our way but bloom as the Parish Council has agreed to support the Poppy Appeal. Watch out for these on our street lights in the area of our very special War Memorial.(War Memorial as pictured above.)
Any donations towards the Poppy Appeal will be gratefully received and passed on to the Royal British Legion as we remember those who gave their lives for us.
Collection point for donations at Cafe Eleven.
Monday 11th September 2017, the agenda can be downloaded from the PC website by clicking
Tuesday 3rd October 2017; is the next meeting.
All council meetings usually commence at 7.30p.m. and are held at the Victoria Room at Ruyton. A public session is always held at the beginning of the official meeting, which is intended to encourage residents to bring up any local issues.
Clerk's Contact Details:
Sue Hackett can usually be contacted on Tel 01743 719012 or by email ruytonxitownspc@btinternet.com
Please let me know of any street lighting issues being sure to describe the position of the street light; the fault and if it has a R number painted on it.
The official business address of the Council is Gonsal House, Condover, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY5 7EX. If you are unable to contact me please contact the Chairman Andrew Johnston Tel 01939 260991
For contact names tele numbers and email addresses of your new local parish councillors please refer to the website
They are there to help you.
Following our July meeting where concerns were raised by residents of Birch Grove regarding social behaviour, the Parish Council met with the authorities concerned and there has now been a positive outcome for the parties involved.
New traffic warning signage is now in place at Birch Grove, bringing to the attention of motorists there are children likely to be around or crossing. After a few near misses we would ask that motorists take special care in this area, where parked cars often obscure vision and the likelihood of a child being about to cross.
The Birch Grove children's play area is in the process of being re-painted by our local contractor whilst the Parish Council are considering the possibility of adding new play equipment.
The Parish Council is pleased to grant funds to support the replacement of the windows in the Memorial Hall and is hopeful of helping the PCC with the annual cost of maintenance of the Church clock.
As you can see we have been busy. Please do support us by completing the questionnaire as advised earlier in this Newsletter.Andrew Johnston
Chairman of Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Shropshire Council want to offer an improved parking service that is hassle-free, and that makes use of the latest technology. SC want a service that offers value for money and that is consistent across the county, and wants to make it easy for everyone to understand how much it costs to park, on-street and in car parks, and how to pay.
SC has some ideas about how it can achieve this by making our parking charges simpler, clearer and easier to understand – but wants to know what you think.
To find out more and influence the new parking strategy find out more by going to
http:// www.shropshire.gov.uk/parking-consultation.
The consultation ends in October.
Please note the Parish Council believes this should be responded to by individuals and is not proposing to put forward a group response on the consultation.
Ruyton XI Towns PC has adopted the e-newsletter campaign, which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish. Paper copy newsletters are available at Cafe Eleven and on request, please contact the Clerk.
The Parish Council are very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown and Margaret Lycett do in keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to them for their efforts.
If you would like to sign up to this official Parish Council Newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below. Why not stay in touch!
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