Thursday, 27 May 2021

Oswestry U3A - meet new friends with similar interests

Dear Blogger

Message from Janet Davies,  Oswestry U3A - If you are looking to meet up with new friends with the same interests as you, what better than joining the University of the 3rd Age

Oswestry Borders u3a brings local people together to enjoy their 'leisure 3rd age' years, post full-time work and raising families.

It offers a means to stay active, meet new people, develop interests, learn new skills and have fun.

 The u3a promotes lifelong learning through interest groups, covering a wide range of topics and activities, chosen by members. It's a collaborative approach with peers learning from each other. There's no distinction between learners and teachers – everyone takes a turn at being both if they wish.  Members are not working towards qualifications, but learning purely for pleasure.  u3a is local, social, friendly, low-cost and open to all.

Oswestry Borders u3a interest groups enjoy more than 20 different subjects from walking to talking (Amblers ….French and Spanish), from reading to weeding (two Book groups ….Garden), from keeping fit to a day's trip (Anti-Ageing Aerobics, Bowls, World & Barn Dancing ….. Travel), from Arts treats to eats  (Art, Art Appreciation, Singing, Poetry Appreciation, Aspiring Music Makers…Coffee, Sunday Lunch) from finding a word to Drama Absurd (Scrabble… Play Reading, Film Goers), from searching the past to networks so vast (Local History, Archaeology, Civilisations .. ICT).

As well as the interest groups, all members meet regularly at monthly Speaker meetings with guest speakers on a wide range of subjects, plus monthly Member meetings.

Since starting in the UK nearly 40 years ago, the movement has grown to more than 400,000 members in more than 1,000 u3as. Like all u3as, Oswestry Borders is self-help and self-managed.  It is the second of its kind in the town. The first, Oswestry u3a, formed nearly 30 years ago and, because of the growing demand, Oswestry Borders u3a was formed eight years ago.

Annual membership is just £6 for 2021.  For more details about interest groups and start up dates post lockdown for Speaker and Member meetings, please check our website or Oswestry Borders u3a Facebook Page. Enquiries